How Concrete Skate Parks Are Made

Skate parks are now a common sight in most areas today. They allow you to skateboard, among other recreational activities. However, one beauty about skate parks is that they come in diverse forms. Even more, they reflect deep, undulating patterns that have blocky and geometric structures.

You’ll most likely see them every day in your community, from picnic tables to swimming pools and handrails. So, are you wondering just how they come to be?

Let’s find out about how concrete skate parks get made. We’ll also examine their significant elements.

Step by Step Approach to Making a Skate Park

Research: The first step towards building a skate park is to determine just how many people you intend to service with the park. As such, you’ll need to know the number of skaters within your community.
At this stage, it would be best also to examine the pricing relevant to each pack. This is because, thanks to location differences, this pricing is not similar. So, ensure you research the prices relative to your town size and location. You can always contact builders who worked around your area to gain more insight.

Build your team: the next step is to get yourself a skateboard association. This association will function as a non-profit organization and organize fundraisers on behalf of the park. It will also ensure that people are aware of the park through the various marketing mix.
However, it is necessary to ensure that you create a diverse team at this stage. This will ensure you present a stronger outlook. Ensure you satisfy other formal requirements such as registration and opening a bank account.

Fundraising and awareness: At this stage, the idea is to ensure that people understand the relevance of a skateboard in their town. You’ll achieve this by letting them know the benefits and positive effects that it brings.
You can then begin sourcing for funds by presenting why it’s an excellent investment. There are various options through which you can achieve this. It includes government grants, local investment, and corporate sponsorship deals.

Design and building: This stage involves the actual designing and construction of the whole operation. However, to ensure that this works well, you’ll need to do the following:

-Design the skate parks for the enjoyment of everyone
-Ensure it’s beautiful
-Pick a central and easily accessible location
-Ensure that it’s close to other public amenities
-Pay attention to usability concerns such as flow, traffic, speed, stylistic -discipline, and visibility inside the skating area
-Pay attention to functional concerns such as capacity, access, drainage and safety, security, operation, maintenance, and seating.

Elements of a Concrete Skate Park

Various components make up a concrete skate park. The primary elements include:

Quarter pipe: this involves a narrow rod, usually metal, that runs the whole length of your skate park’s top edge

Halfpipe: this involves a double quarter pipe that faces each other
Bowl: enclosed quarter pipes that form a curve around the corner

Feck: a flat and elevated area that functions as the staging area
Spine: this involves double quarter pipe that’s placed against each other.